Red Lady SoulCollage® Card

Red Lady cries out for mattering: threads in motion—essences moving from possibility into manifestation. Feet know the way, but hit an edge; only Heart has free passage. This is a story of dancing shoes, migration and new beginnings: vital fires flowing. Can I imagine such power? Can I allow it? I must!


Throughout my work as a psychotherapist, I have encountered many forms of suffering—emotional, physiological and environmental, and I have helped people contain very painful and often self-sabotaging psychic processes. It has been deeply satisfying to listen into people’s stories and to develop effective tools for self-understanding and empowerment.

Dream Work

Nancy Weiss: SoulCollage® Cards

Dreams are shimmering pathways to deep psyche and to soul. I do not approach a dream as something to be “analyzed,” but as a “soul-visitor” from the intuitive world of the unconscious, seeking attention for the deeper purpose of knowing ourselves more fully.


Nancy Weiss: SoulCollage® Cards

Mussar is an ethical and spiritual practice. It invites you to study the Jewish perspectives on character traits (middot) such as patience, forgiveness, generosity and anger (to name a few). Through self-reflection, personal journaling, and focused exercises, you will be able to set your own curriculum of how to use these traits in your lives.

Expressive Arts

It is often through creativity that you can access, and come to trust, your intuition, and with every new experience of “taking ownership” of yourself, a deeper sense of wholeness and well-being emerges.

Spiritual Direction

Nancy Weiss: SoulCollage® Cards

Spiritual Direction is a practice of exploring the presence of holiness. It helps you come to an I/Thou experience of the Mystery in your life. In my work as a Spiritual Director, through deep listening and witnessing, I will help you find that sure place within you, so that you can align with your deeper nature to discover what brings meaning.


Nancy Weiss: SoulCollage® Cards

SoulCollage® is a fun and intuitive practice that combines collage with a unique journaling process. Each collage represents a separate facet of the self, including inner self-aspects, archetypal influences, and your community.

Collaging Our Dreams

Nancy Weiss: SoulCollage® Cards

Dreams are shimmering pathways to deep psyche and to soul. In the language of nuance, metaphor, and pun, they speak to us of visions and callings from unknown places. Dreams hold the power to bring awe, to surprise, to delight, to terrify, and to heal us. A practice of dream work uncovers the “medicines” inherent […]

On the Labyrinth: Following the Path Home

Labyrinth, a brilliant metaphor: each circuiting step a way of making conscious my yearning for Home. When I begin walking the labyrinth, it brings me close to its center. I am just a breath away, a cheater’s step. I come so close, my yearning is nearly fulfilled, but not: not yet. I learn and re-learn […]

Psychospiritual Healing through Expressive Arts

A psychospiritual approach to healing occurs at the interface of a psychological understanding of what is guiding a person’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and a spiritual yearning. In essence, this wholistic approach creates a bridge between the psychological and spiritual realms, incorporating both personal and transpersonal realms of the psyche. As a practicing psychotherapist for […]