Book and Video Spotlight: How to Make MeCards4Kids ™

Read the original article here: MeCards4Kids ™ – Excursions into the Child’s Imagination was a presentation at the 2013 International SoulCollage ® Facilitators’ Conference that I was grateful to attend. Presenter and author Nancy Weiss played videos of several children who shared their unique experiences of MeCards and who clearly love the process. Listen to Nicholas read […]

Children Fall In Love With Their Inner Worlds

SoulCollage® Community Update July 2014 “CHILDREN FALL IN LOVE WITH THEIR INNER WORLDS” SUMMER FUN, EFFORTLESS LEARNING WITH ME-CARDS FOR KIDS™ by Nancy Weiss, SoulCollage® Facilitator I am Pierre the fairy riding on a Pegasus with my sister Marlie. I wonder why the women are chasing us. I see wolves and other beasts emerging from […]

Collaging Our Dreams

Nancy Weiss: SoulCollage® Cards

Dreams are shimmering pathways to deep psyche and to soul. In the language of nuance, metaphor, and pun, they speak to us of visions and callings from unknown places. Dreams hold the power to bring awe, to surprise, to delight, to terrify, and to heal us. A practice of dream work uncovers the “medicines” inherent […]

On the Labyrinth: Following the Path Home

Labyrinth, a brilliant metaphor: each circuiting step a way of making conscious my yearning for Home. When I begin walking the labyrinth, it brings me close to its center. I am just a breath away, a cheater’s step. I come so close, my yearning is nearly fulfilled, but not: not yet. I learn and re-learn […]

Psychospiritual Healing through Expressive Arts

A psychospiritual approach to healing occurs at the interface of a psychological understanding of what is guiding a person’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and a spiritual yearning. In essence, this wholistic approach creates a bridge between the psychological and spiritual realms, incorporating both personal and transpersonal realms of the psyche. As a practicing psychotherapist for […]

SoulCollage® in Clinical Practice

Nancy Weiss "Judgement" SoulCollage® Card

As a psychotherapist, I know that the more we reveal of ourselves—the more aspects of ourselves that dance together—the more whole we are. These aspects often reside in the hidden realms of the psyche. They come to us in dreams, images, art, and our spontaneous expressions.  When we pay attention to them, we are able […]

Chapbook: Journey to Guatemala

Guatemala Chapbook by Nancy Weiss

Man Made Soft In the sanctuary of a colonial Church, a life-sized Jesus drags a cross constructed from thick branches. His body heaves from the weight. His shoulders sag. Another icon in a Church filled with them, I tell myself. This one on his way to Calvary.  I mean to step away, but his gaze…. […]

Integrated Model of Couples Therapy

Nancy Weiss "Dialogue on the Path" SoulCollage® Card

Article published in Clinical Social Work Journal, Vol. 20, No. 4, Winter 1992: “Toward Development of an Integrated Model of Couples Therapy.”  Co-authored with Marion Solomon, Ph.D. In This Issue: LC 73-643802 ISSN 0091-1674 CSWJB 20(4)355-470(1992) A Sell-Psychological Approach to the Cult Phenomenon • Doni P. Whitsett Integration of Daniel Stern’s Developmental Theory into a […]