Dream Work

Nancy Weiss LCSW: Dream Tending SoulCollage® Cards

Dreams are shimmering pathways to deep psyche and to soul. I do not approach a dream as something to be “analyzed,” but as a “soul-visitor” from the intuitive world of the unconscious, seeking our attention for the deeper purpose of knowing ourselves more fully. I can help you access your own dream wisdom in individual consultations or in workshops and dream groups.  It can be especially useful to blend dream work with such expressive methods, as drawing, SoulCollage®, journaling and poetry-writing.

I offer workshops in Dream Wisdom in which participants learn to listen deeply in tending their dream and then use the art of collage to give voice to dream images. Dreams hold the power to bring awe, to surprise, to delight, to terrify, and to heal. The process of collage invites discovery, and serves as a visual journal that can deepen and animate the essential nature of a dream. In this context, collage work can often give access to material that initially seemed inaccessible. Making a collage for your dreams also externalizes your insights you can integrate them into your daily lives. I explore this process more fully in my article, Collaging Our Dreams.

These two images illustrate a multilayered process of discovering a dream’s deeper wisdom. In my dream, someone hands me a red line that extends into the dark of space. My first image represents the actual red line, while the second image represents the way my dream opens to me in a mix of disparate elements and essences—all red. A red woman emerges out of mesh, and a strong feminine energy invokes attention. After journaling, I distilled the dream’s wisdom in this poem.

Nancy Weiss LCSW: Dream Tending SoulCollage® Cards

In a very practical and accessible way, the craft of DreamTending offers the possibility of listening deeply to the voices of the dream images themselves as they come forward to offer their insights and perspectives.
-Steven Aizenstadt