Spiritual Direction

Nancy Weiss: Spiritual Direction SoulCollage® Cards

There is sure place within you, where you have never been damaged or diminished, a place where there dwells serenity, courage, confidence, forgiveness and the endless adventure of imagination.
-John O’Donohue

Spiritual Direction invites people to articulate their relationship to the divine and to the sacred moments in their lives. Often, people discover that the very act of living is sacred when their eyes are opened to perceiving this. As a Spiritual Director, I incorporate spiritual self-reflection, meditation, prayer, dream work and the expressive arts to help you experience the “sure place within you” that John O’Donohue mentions in the above quote. This is the place where you will share soul-to-soul encounters as you contemplate life’s deeper questions and experience your connection with the divine.

  • When do you feel most whole?
  • Do you journal?
  • Which creative methods do you use to explore your depth?
  • What are the images and themes that visit in your dreams?
  • How do you engage your deeper wisdom?
  • What circumstances make it possible for you to access God (Spirit) in your life?

The ancient Jewish wisdom of Mussar is a spiritual practice that strengthens and hones my character and deepens my personal relationship with the divine. I lead beginning and advanced Mussar groups in Los Angeles. In these groups, and as Coordinator of the Manchim Facilitator Training Program for The Mussar Institute, I have the privilege to work closely with an intentional community of spiritual travelers.

I have always considered my life a journey of deepening and transforming. To this end, I have explored and followed my own path, and I have dedicated myself to helping others discover theirs. One of the most important paths I walk is the labyrinth, which is a metaphor for the journey to the center of my deepest self. For this reason, I built a nine-circuit labyrinth in my back yard, based on the Chartres Cathedral pattern. I use this in my own spiritual practice, and I design labyrinth rituals to spiritual growth.

How do we become ‘brighter?’ That happens as the small spark in one person’s soul leaps to ignite the spark in another.
-Marie-Louise von Franz