Workshops and Consulting

Helping Professionals
As a tool for self-
exploration, SoulCollage®
 is well suited to clinical
 practice. It is accessible,
 affirming, empowering and
 deepening. The collages reveal unconscious and shadow material in a non-pathological manner. They provide a creative approach to the essential therapeutic intentions of integration and individuation through increasing consciousness and self- acceptance. When a client makes a collage card and takes it home, the card serves as a transitional object that the client can leave out and return to over and again, in order to anchor new insights, affects, cognitions and behaviors.

Larger Community
In individual or group sessions, I invite you to discover the power of your Dream Wisdom or to explore and deepen your intuitive voice through SoulCollage®.

I facilitate many events on the labyrinth, including rituals to honor the energies of the solstice or equinox, marriages and birthdays. I also offer workshops in which people deepen their insight into their SoulCollage® cards on the labyrinth.

You may schedule an experiential event for your family and friends, an introductory workshop for your community, or a clinical training for your professional organization.

I am available to guide MeCards4Kids™ sessions in classrooms. Literacy skills are strengthened in children, as create visual and written stories. They get to imagine into their visual imagery, which is key, and then they translate their imagination into written language. Through their images and poems, children use this time of self-expression to develop and give voice to emerging aspects of themselves.

Children love making and sharing their MeCards! Contact me to facilitate MeCards4Kids™ sessions, parties and playgroups for children’s groups, families and individuals.

I also consult with teachers, therapists, SoulCollage® facilitators, and anyone else who works with children to guide them in using MeCards4Kids™.